Ajay Somaraju

Ajay  Somaraju
  • Graduate Student
  • Organizational Psychology


Entered the program in 2018

B.S., Psychology, University of Texas at Dallas, 2017

M.A., Organizational Psychology, Michigan State University, 2020


As a researcher, I am primarily interested in the dynamics of organizational behavior across levels of analysis. However, the interconnected nature of modern work means that dynamics across levels are often shaped through interdependent task and social networks. Therefore, I am also interested in how these networks form over time and drive organizational outcomes. Finally, I am interested in building and evaluating psychological instruments that can capture these interdependent dynamics with high resolution.

As a practitioner, I focus on developing people products that help achieve organizational goals and improve employee experience. Specifically, I am interested in productizing analytic insights through interactive dashboards, web applications, and automated services. Given the historic lack of data-driven decision-making within most HR functions, I have also begun to experiment with different approaches to promote and increase trust in predictive talent analytics.
