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William Chopik

William  Chopik
  • Associate Professor
  • Social / Personality Psychology


PhD, Personality & Social Contexts, University of Michigan, 2015 
MS, Personality & Social Contexts, University of Michigan, 2011 
BS, Psychology, Highest Distinction, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2009 
BS, Sociology, Highest Distinction, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2009

Curriculum Vitae: William Chopik



For the media: Expert Listing

For up-to-date CV, information, and lab developments: Close Relationships Lab



I am a social-personality psychologist interested in how relationships and the people in them change over time and across situations. My research focuses on how factors both inside (biological, hormonal) and outside (social roles, geography) of people influence their approach to social relationships. My work examines phenomena as broad as how relationships and social institutions shape development and as focused as the hormonal mechanisms that underlie love and intimacy.