Get Involved
The Psychology Department provides many opportunities for students to get involved through research with faculty, internships, practicums, study abroad, student groups and volunteering. In order to gain employment after graduation or admission to graduate school, it is important that students get involved outside of the typical classroom.
Human Services Internship
PSY 381 AND PSY 382
(6 - 15 cr. total) This course is designed for the student planning for a career working directly with people in need. It teaches students how to effectively help people in direct-service situations, whether through non-profit organizations (e.g., homeless shelters, domestic abuse programs, refugee services, foster care services) or government jobs (e.g., child protective services, foster care). The class uses lectures, discussions, guest speakers, videos, homework, in-class assignments, and tests to enhance your understanding of the material. Attendance is extremely important and will be strictly enforced. This course is a two-semester commitment (spring/summer) and students must agree to sign up for both semesters in order to be allowed into the course.
Human Service Internship Brochure
Human Service Internship Application
General Psychology Internship
PSY 382 (3 -12 cr.) Whether students intend to start a career after graduation or attend graduate school, it is imperative that the students gain experience to make them more marketable in these arenas. This internship is for students who desire experience in an area related to the field of Psychology. This can be very broad because Psychology touches on many fields, but all areas need department approval to ensure they follow the goals of the program.
Students who have an interest in pursuing an internship (or who have already secured an internship) should self-enroll in the D2L page: PSY 382: Course Information and Planning, utilizing the link below. This D2L page will navigate students through the process of learning about what an internship is, what PSY 382 general internship program encompasses, how to find an internship and ultimately how to get enrolled in PSY 382 for an approved internship experience in order to earn academic credit.
Learn more about the progam here:
PSY General Internship Informational Flyer
PSY General Internship Course Planning Module*
*Once enrolled in the course planning module on D2L, students will be able to navigate through this self-paced, non-credit bearing course, granting access to the documents required to be completed for official course approval and enrollment.College of Social Science Internship
SSC 493 (3 - 12 crs.) The College of Social Science offers an internship for credit course. This internship can be done in any semester.
Click here to learn more about this program.
Students are encouraged to become involved in research in the Psychology Department. These experiences give students great opportunities to work with faculty and graduate students in the research environment. There are many opportunities to join labs in each of our six areas of interest as either a volunteer or for credit experience (via PSY 490 or PSY 491).
To learn more information about research opportunities go to our Undergraduate Research page. -
Student Psychology Groups
Student Psychology Groups
PSI CHI is the national honor society for Psychology students. Nominations are automatic, based on spring semester enrollment. Criteria for nomination to the MSU chapter are listed on the MSU PSI CHI website.
Students are nominated for membership in the national organization and the active chapter at M.S.U. In the spring semester, there is an induction ceremony and election of officers. For more information, please contact:
Website: MSU PSI CHIMSU Psychology Club
The Psychology Club is for anyone with an interest in psychology. There are a broad range of careers influenced by concepts in psychology. As a member of The Psychology Club, students have opportunities to engage and learn about psychology through service, speakers, and fun! Please send an email to if you have questions about the club.
Check out the PSY Club website for specific dates and topics of their meetings and events!Website: MSU PSY CLUB
Study Away
The College of Social Science Semester Study Away Programs are available in Washington DC, Hawaii, Las Vegas, New York, Traverse City, Flint and Detroit. These are great ways to get to know other students and faculty, and also go somewhere in the U.S. Students learn more about themselves and the location they visit.
For more information, e-mail: SSCStudy@msu.eduWebsite:
Study Abroad
Why Should I Study Abroad? Michigan State University is a national leader in Study Abroad. There are a wide variety of study abroad programs that students participate in. Study abroad provides important experiences that can help students develop the personal, academic, and professional skills they will need to succeed. A study abroad experience can improve academic and professional career prospects, as well as be the entry into a field's international community.
What Types of Programs are Available to Me? MSU currently offers over 275 Study Abroad programs. Psychology majors can study abroad in a variety of settings while completing course work in their major and/or earning general education and elective credits. Programs are available throughout the year, ranging in length from two weeks to a full academic year. While some require a foreign language, most have no such requirement and courses are taught in English. Many programs are accompanied by an MSU faculty member, while others allow direct enrollment in a foreign university. In all cases, MSU's Office of Study Abroad works with representatives on site to ensure students receive the support they need.
Psychology Students can attend Psychology programs or they can attend any MSU Study Abroad program. The Psychology Department's programs are the University of Kent (United Kingdom), The Child Psychology program in Dublin (Ireland), and University of Bristol STEM Research (United Kingdom).
To learn more about Study Abroad, visit the Office of Study Abroad in International Center Room 109, talk with a study abroad peer advisor in International Center Room 108, and do a program search on MSU's Office of Study Abroad Website.
Check out some of the psychology students' study abroad stories below:
Psychology Study Abroad: Kent, UK Program
University of Kent Psychology Program, United Kingdom
To Learn more about the MSU Psychology Study Abroad Program at Kent University in the UK, check out the MSU Study Abroad website for the Kent program as well as all study abroad programs:
Program Description and Objectives
This program will be a direct-enrollment program at the University of Kent in Canterbury (UKC) targeted primarily at MSU psychology majors, but other majors are welcome.
The Department of Psychology at UKC is a strong one, with particular strengths in the fields of social, cognitive, and developmental psychology. The Department’s excellent faculty is also an international one, with many getting their primary training outside of the UK.
The program seeks to expose students to knowledge, concepts, and/or experiences that reflect a different cultural frame of reference, and stimulate students’ interest in cross-cultural, international, and comparative learning, to accelerate students’ personal growth, especially by expanding their ability to interact in unfamiliar situations, to develop students’ skills for relating to culturally different others, and to provide opportunities to compare and contrast host country customs, values, and traditions with their own.
UKC has a number of characteristics that make it particularly well suited to meet such objectives. UKC has a vibrant and extensive set of study abroad programs, with over 100 European partner institutions and with 16 American universities (including 3 Big Ten universities; viz. Indiana University; Purdue University; Penn State University). As a consequence, ~20% of UKC’s students are non-British. Hence, MSU students studying at UKC will have frequent and varied contact not only with local (i.e., British) students, but with students from a wide variety of cultures and nationalities (over 130 nations).
Student Qualifications
MSU students who have successfully completed the first half of their Sophomore year requirements with a GPA of 2.75 or higher may be eligible to participate in the program.
Students must also have demonstrated a proficiency in spoken and written English. For students whose first language is not English applying to do international study at UKC, this is demonstrable with an average of 6.5 on IELTS (with 6.0 in Reading and 6.0 in Writing), or TOEFL scores of 580 (paper-based), 237 (computer based), or 85 (internet-based).
Program Length
- There are two options for length of stay at Kent. Regular full-time students at UKC take all their final exams (for the whole academic year) during the 6 week Summer term. For UKC's academic calendar you can access that via their website. Thus, in theory, MSU students taking part in this program would be at UKC for 12 weeks during the Spring Term, on break for 4 weeks between terms, and then back to take final exams during the 6-week Summer term. However, many UKC courses (or modules, as they're known there) have a provision allowing short-term, visiting students to complete their course work during the 12-week regular term (the Spring term for this program), eliminating the need to return for the Summer term. The UKC Psychology Department has given assurances that this option would apply to all psychology courses taken by our students in this program, and the option will definitely be available to those taking SP636 (the MSU ISS course option at Kent). So, for students taking only psych coursework AND those taking non-psych courses where this option is offered, the program would only last 12 weeks.
- Those taking non-psych courses where this option is not offered would be in an 18 week program (with a 4 week break inserted). These students pay the full spring and summer rates. These rates are reflected in the MSU Study Abroad's budget in the Kent program descriptions.
- So, the length of the program would depend on what courses a student chose to take. With a bit of planning one could, without too much trouble, put together a course of study that would not require returning for the Summer term. Keep in mind, PSY is the only department that has an official agreement with MSU, and thus, other departments are not required to adhere to the short-term policy.
Handbooks for Participants
- UKC’s many foreign partners have developed materials to assist their students during their visits to UKC. The UKC-program sponsored by Indiana University has developed very detailed handbooks to assist students in every aspect of planning and completing their visits to UKC. (Please note that a few aspects of the content in these handbooks is specific to the Indiana programs [e.g., an option to attend in the Fall Term], but most of the information is equally useful to an MSU student participating in our program.)
- For a general description of what it is like to be an American student studying at UKC, see
- For a description of many of the tasks required to get to and settle in at UKC, see
Course Options at Kent
MSU Psychology Majors
It is likely that the bulk of these students’ coursework will be drawn from Stage 2 (intermediate undergraduate level, survey coursework) or Stage 3 (advanced undergraduate level, topical coursework) in UKC’s Department of Psychology. The former, Stage 2 courses are roughly equivalent to 200-level survey courses offered at MSU (e.g., PSY 200, Cognitive Psychology: PSY 236, Personality Psychology). The latter, Stage 3 courses are more equivalent to 300- and 400-level MSU courses (e.g., PSY 424, Child and Family Psychopathology; PSY 441, Interpersonal Behavior and Groups). Those students who need or want to fulfill an ISS requirement will also be able to do so by taking SP636, the UKC equivalent of MSU’s ISS 305 when it is offered.
A complete list of available UKC Psychology courses (Level 2 and 3, offered during the Spring Term) and their MSU PSY and ISS equivalencies may be found here. A description of all UKC Psychology undergraduate courses (modules) may be found here. You can determine what the course objectives are, how grades will be determined, and whether the instuctor routinely offers the option to complete your course work without returning to take an exam during the Summer Term (you may also contact the instructor directly to inquire about this). MSU Psychology majors should consult with the Undergraudate Advisors of the MSU Department of Psychology to make sure that your preferred courses at UKC will fit well with your general study plan at MSU.
In addition to these psychology courses, there are many other undergraduate courses (called modules at UKC) which a Psychology major might want to consider as elective subjects. A full description of all undergraduate modules at UKC available for short-term study may be accessed here. Please note that some of these non-psychology modules could require you to take a final exam during UKC’s 4-week Summer Term (see Program Length description for more details), although one can, through suitable preparation, choose modules that can be completed during the 12-week Spring Term (see Course Selection for more information).
Non-Psychology Majors
Although this program has been tailored to the needs of MSU Psychology majors, students with other majors may also participate. There are over 400 undergraduate courses which an MSU non-Psychology major might want to consider taking. A full description of all undergraduate modules at UKC may be accessed here. You can determine what the course objectives are, how grades will be determined, and whether the instuctor routinely offers the option to complete your course work without returning to take an exam during the Summer Term (you may also contact the instructor directly to inquire about this).
Again, please note that some of these non-psychology modules could require you to take a final exam during UKC’s 4-week Summer Term.
Studying at a British University
- In the Humanities and Social Sciences, some courses consist of a large lecture session with accompanying small seminars, while others are offered exclusively in seminar format. Natural science courses consist of lectures and labs. In British lecture-seminar courses, the seminar is more important than the lecture, and attendance at seminars is compulsory. Grades in the lecture-seminar courses are based on performance in the seminars, most of which require two ten-page essays (term papers) per term. Seminars typically include informal presentations by the instructor, with student response, discussion, reports and essays.
- Courses meet less frequently than in the U.S., which requires self-discipline to keep up with the required reading.
- Your professors at UKC will be strict about deadlines to submit essays; students strongly advise that you meet the deadlines so that you plan ahead and do not find yourself overwhelmed by a pile of essays to submit at the end of the year.
- Here’s how one Indiana University (IU) student described the difference between studying in the US and in Britian.
“British classes are not as structured as American classes. This is probably the hardest thing to get used to; this is where you can waste a lot of time, or have a very productive year. At IU there is usually little question of what to do with your time; certain doom looms if you do not do certain things by certain times. That kind of pressure is totally absent here. On the other hand, this lack of structure allows you to probe more deeply into a subject, to branch off in directions that interest you, to determine your own pace and direction. But it is a freedom that can be hard to adjust to; at times you probably will miss the simplicity of having to do specific things.”
- University instructors in Britain are referred to as “lecturers.” The term “professor” is reserved for those who actually hold professorships (usually only a few in any field). Find out the appropriate title for your instructors. You may find that the relationship between lecturer and student is often less formal than at large American universities. This is true in class as well as out. The system of seminars encourages students and teachers to get to know each other and to work together closely. However, in courses consisting of lectures and seminars, the actual lectures are fairly formal and impersonal, without student participation. Professors will have office hours, although they may be more limited than you are used to in the U.S.
Grading & Textbooks
- Different modules weigh different inputs in determining your course grade. You need to study the module description for this information.
- The range of grades in the British university system differs markedly from the range of grades in the U.S. Although there is a 100 point scale, grades above 70 are rare. You should strive for grades in the 70-55 range, which fall within MSU’s A-B range. Faculty also use “class” designations: I = excellent, II.i = very good, II.ii = good, III = average, Pass and Fail.
- The grade conversion chart between UKC numeric grades and approximate US letter grades can be found on the MSU Registrar's website under Study Abroad Partner Programs.
- Most classes have long book lists, but you are not expected to read all of them, and you certainly are not expected to buy all of them. How much you spend on books depends on how interested you are in having them on hand, how much demand there is for the library copies, whether the library has them at all, etc. Photocopying journal articles for class is a good idea but may become costly.
Course Selection
- You must take a full course load during the term. At Kent all undergraduate degree programs comprise 120 study credits per academic year, and the modules are usually weighted at 15 or 30 credits (or, respectively 4 or 8 U.S. credit hours). For most MSU students in this program, this would mean you would take 4 modules, each worth 15 UKC credits, for a full load of 60 UKC study credits. These will then translate into 16 MSU credits.
- If you want to take non-Psychology courses, you may also have to sit for exams during the Summer Session. When selecting your modules, if you do not want to return to take an exam during the Summer Term, you must be sure that the course instructor will give you the option of completing all course work during the 12-week Spring term. [This option is available to all students in the program taking Psychology Stage II and III modules.] If you are given this option, you will be usually be graded based on a combination of written assignments and class work (although some modules may also include special examinations that substitutes for the regular final examination, normally given during the Summer Term). Study the module description and if there is any doubt about the availability of this option, contact the course instructor by email.
- When you send your application to Kent, they will have you complete a scheduling form with your preferred classes and alternate choices. If you are going to take courses in the natural or mathematical sciences, your schedule will not be finalized until you arrive at Kent.
- Kent may allow you to change modules during the first couple of weeks of the term, but change will be difficult once a course is full. In lecture modules with required seminars, you may be able to change seminar leaders within the same course. See your Kent advisor to make such changes.
Basic Application Proceedures
If you’d like to apply, the first application is to the MSU Office of Study Abroad (OSA). You can apply on-line here. The application deadline for the spring semester is October 15, but applying early is recommended.
There is also financial assistance (e.g., scholarships) available for MSU study abroad programs. You can find general information and an application form here. You are advised to “submit your scholarship application before the deadline corresponding to your program”. [That deadline is October 15, for participating in the Spring program.]
If you are accepted for the program, you will next need to meet with the OSA’s coordinator for the program. The coordinator is Max Chappuis (, 517-353-8920) and his office is in Room 105 of the International Center. Max will have information about just what you’ll need to do to complete the application process.
You should also meet with your academic advisor to plan the courses you’ll take at the University of Kent and how they’ll fit into your whole study plan and major/minor requirements. You should also discuss possible choices of elective courses. You will need to have a list of the UKC courses you would like to take to fill in your Provisional Module Registration Form (see here for a copy); this will be part of the materials you will send to UKC to complete your application.
The next important step is sending application materials to the University of Kent. You will find a description of what you need to send here. Basically, you need to send the following:
- a completed Exchange or short-termapplication form (pdf)
- a current photograph
- a provisional module registration form (pdf)
- full certified transcripts of your academic achievements/results to date (that is, your prior undergradute transcripts)
- a letter from a teacher who is familiar with your academic work at MSU
- a personal statement (you can use the statement you wrote for your MSU application).
[If you want to participate in the Spring program, the deadline for getting all these to Hazel Lander ( at the University of Kent is October 30, but to have preference on housing, this process should take place in early fall.]
- Although the application materials described above need to be processed before an application for accommodations (room & board) at UKC can be approved, you are also supposed to submit your application for accommodations before November 30. The various on-campus accommodation options are described here. Once you’ve decided on the accommodations you’d like, you need to apply on-line.
- You must also apply for a Student Visitor Visa to study in the UK. You can get information at the Office of Study Abroad and from their website.
- There are also official requirements for establishing your financial ability to study in the UK. These are in flux and you are advised to consult with Max Chappuis to know what you’ll need to meet this requirement.
- This list of application steps is not complete. You will need to consult with the Office of Study Abroad to cover all the steps necessary to complete your application and prepare for your time in Kent.
Housing Options at UKC On campus accommodation is offered to all short-term students at UKC, although off-campus apartments are also an option. On-campus accommodation is either a room in one of the colleges, or in self-catering flats or houses with several bedrooms in each. You can see descriptions of all these options here. Nearly one third of the accommodations are en suite. The deadline for housing applications for the Spring Term is November 30 of the prior year.
- College rooms. Housing is limited at the University, so college rooms are allocated primarily to first-year and overseas students. The rooms are singles, with a bed, two chairs, desk, closet and (usually) a sink. There are shared shower, bath, and toilet facilities on each corridor. Breakfast is included in the cost of the room, but you pay separately for all other meals (typically at one of the student cafeterias). Blankets and pillows and maid service are included in the housing fee, but sheets and towels are not. Rooms do not have telephones, and storage space is limited. Rental refrigerators are not permitted. All rooms have internet access (which opens up internet phone service options, e.g., Skype; Magic-Jack). College rooms must be vacated during vacation periods. However, if you have arranged to complete all your work during the 12-week Spring Term, this is an efficient housing option.
- Student apartments. These self-catering accommodations, called Park Wood Courts and Darwin Houses, are on campus and fully furnished. Each modern, terraced, two-story house consists of five bedrooms with shared kitchen and shower facilities. Self-catering apartments are attractive because you can prepare your own food there, while also keeping the option of eating in any college cafeteria. Moreover, rooms do not have to be vacated during vacations. There is one telephone (for campus calls only) available per house of five students.
- Meals. The University provides a range of catering facilities from traditional dining halls to bistros, and other bars, shops and snack machines across campus. There is a considerable variety of food available, from sandwiches to roast dinners, including national and international cuisines. Basic groceries and other incidentals may be purchased at one of the campus shops, located near the Student Union in the center of campus. There are also large groceries (e.g., Tesco; Waitrose) nearby off campus for more bulk shopping.
- For more detailed information, see for UKC student housing, and for food/catering options.
- Off campus accommodation. Complete descriptions of off-campus options and advice can be found here.
Housing Costs
- A complete list of on-campus accommodation costs may be accessed
- The UKC’s Student Finance webpage suggests that off-campus accommodation is somewhat less expensive than on-campus accommodation but not usually recommended for a new student.
General Information
- A rich source of information about the University is its web page, .
- UKC is a relatively young university, founded in the mid-1960s. It is located on a beautiful and park-like 300-acre campus overlooking the ancient cathedral city of Canterbury.
- About 18,000 students attend the University of Kent’s 3 campuses, most of them at the main campus in Canterbury.
- There are three faculties (Humanities, Sciences, Social Sciences) including 21 schools or departments.
- Especially important to this program is UKC’s School of Psychology (see here for their webpage). The Department of Psychology at UKC is a strong one, with particular strengths in the fields of social, cognitive, and developmental psychology. The Department’s excellent faculty is also an international one, with many getting their primary training outside of the UK. . The undergraduate psychology programs at UKC are accredited by the British Psychological Society. The Department of Psychology was rated as the 8th best in the UK (by both the Guardian University Guide 2009 and the 2007 National Student Survey). The social psychology research group of the Department of Psychology received the highest possible rating (5*) in the last national assessment.
Student Life
- The UKC campus is self-contained with nearly everything required for day-to-day study and life available on campus. It is made up of five residential colleges, each of which has student sleeping rooms, faculty offices, classrooms, lounges, pubs, small libraries and dining halls. In addition, the university has a central library, a theater, a gymnasium, a book shop, self-catering accommodations, and a small student union. The offices of several banks are housed on campus, including ATMs.
- UKC offers lectures, film series, plays, clubs, rock band performances and other activities. The gymnasium has basketball and handball courts, and there are outdoor playing fields on the campus. At “Freshers' Fair” during welcome week, students have an opportunity to find out about more than one hundred societies and clubs—everything from hiking and bicycling to theater, singing, belly dancing, medieval warfare reenactment, and debating societies. Students may register for as many activities as they like. Since they do not have to pay membership dues right away, they can attend a few initial meetings and discover which activities are worthwhile. These societies provide one of the best ways to meet English students. The Kent Union provides information regarding student activities, including volunteer opportunities in the Canterbury community. Volunteerism is a very effective means of getting involved in British society.
- The campus is a 20 minute walk, or 10 minute bus ride, from Canterbury city centre. There are bus stops at several locations around the Canterbury campus. Canterbury of course, has a fascinating and significant history that students may explore in its cathedral, museums, and libraries. From Canterbury, one may readily explore the Kentish countryside (and its classic villages, castles, walking/cycling trails, orchards and vineyards), the English Channel coast, the Thames estuary, the Normandy coast (via a short Chunnel train ride from Folkestone), and beyond.
- An excellent network of transport links connects East Kent with London and mainland Europe. London is only 60 miles away and you can reach London Victoria, Charing Cross, Waterloo East and London Bridge by train in just 90 minutes. The Channel ports are less than 20 miles away and Calais or Boulogne are approximately 75 minutes by ferry from Dover, Folkestone and Ramsgate. It is only 20 minutes train ride to the Eurostar terminal at Ashford International. From there you can be in Paris in about two hours. The Channel Tunnel at Folkestone is approximately 30 minutes drive away. The nearest main airport is Gatwick, with good local motorway connections.
Service Learning
In partnership with campus and the community, the Center for Community Engaged Learning at Michigan State University prepares students for lifelong civic and social responsibility in an increasingly diverse and complex global society.
Through this program, students have the opportunity to engage with community agencies through service and to learn more about themselves; and if they desire, more about their chosen career path.
There are hundreds of opportunities for students to get involved!
Psychology Practicum: PSY 371 / 372
Practicums provide another opportunity to gain valuable experience. They require a consecutive, two-semester commitment. To receive credit, both semesters must be completed satisfactorily. Practicum openings fill quickly, so contact the instructor early for details on the screening procedure. Practicums are popular choices, but they require substantial commitment. It is important that students understand the demands of the project before they begin. An absolute minimum number of hours toward the project will be expected.
Available Practicums:
Undergraduate Assistant (UA)
Psychology majors who are juniors and seniors with at least a 3.6 cumulative GPA have the opportunity to be a teaching assistant for a course in which they received a 4.0. Undergraduate assistants (UAs) work closely with the course instructor and may be asked to do some or all of the following:
- Attend class and take lecture notes
- Write potential examination questions
- Assist in class preparation
- Hold office hours
- Conduct study sessions
- Proctor exams
- Grade based on an objective scoring system
- Assist in in-class collaborative learning exercises
- Respond to student requests for help over email
- Assist students who are part of the RCPD (Resource Center for
- Persons with disabilities) program
- Check if homework is completed
Expectations for UA assignments and responsibilities will be provided by the course instructor prior to the start of the semester. It should be noted that UAs are NOT allowed to conduct lectures or seminars, perform subjective evaluations of student performance, determine course context or assign grades. These are faculty responsibilities.
Participation as a UA requires that you sign up for 3 credits of PSY 491 (independent study-a pass/fail grading system). Undergraduate assistantships are NOT paid positions. The grade is based on an evaluation by the instructor to whom you have been assigned.
Students who have already served as an Undergraduate Assistant in Psychology have the potential to sign up for a second semester as a UA. You will sign up for Psychology 490 (independent study) that is a graded course. We do not allow someone to be a UA for more than two semesters.
UA Handbook: UA Handbook
How to get involved
This opportunity is by invitation only. If you meet the criteria listed above, you will receive an email inviting you to be a UA. Invitations are emailed every semester and contain a link to a survey for students to fill out. Students select courses they would like to assist with and in which they received a 4.0. Note that if you did not take PSY 101 at MSU because you placed out of it, you can still be a UA for PSY 101. Also, if you have taken PSY 244 you can UA for PSY 238 (and vice versa). UAs must be available to attend class at the scheduled class time.
Oftentimes there are more students who want to be a UA than there are available positions. Students receiving priority are those who had applied before but not been offered an assistantship and seniors. Students may not get their first choice of assignment but may be offered their second or third choice in order to acquire a position.
Once the student has been assigned a course, they will be given instructions on how to register for Psychology 490 or 491. At the start of the semester, new UAs will attend a training session to go over some of the expectations of the position, the University policies that are relevant, and to answer any questions that you may have.
If you have further questions about the undergraduate teaching assistantship, please contact Dr. Ravizza –
Experiential Learning Opportunities
Study Abroad- Study while traveling internationally
Study Away- Study on shorter trips within the U.S.
Service Learning- Learn from experiences serving the community
Internships- Independent internships for career development
Learn more about Experiential Learning Opportunities here:
* NOTE College Restrictions on Experiential Learning:
- The total of independent study, practicum, internship, and field experience credits may not exceed 20 credits combined. Participation in PSY 371/372 (8 cr.) and PSY 381 (3 cr.) will NOT be counted against this limit. If you have any questions, contact your advisor.
- A maximum of 12 credits of independent study may be applied toward the degree.
- A maximum of 12 credits in internship, field experience, and practicum courses combined may be applied toward the degree.