
Psychology department facilities are located in three buildings on campus.

The majority of faculty members conduct research and have offices in the Psychology Building. The Psychological Clinic is attached to the Psychology Building. The Behavioral Neuroscience program moved into the Interdisciplinary Science and Technology building in fall of 2020.

Psychology Building

The Psychology Building (316 Physics Rd.) was built in 1949 and housed the departments of Physics and Astronomy until 2002, so the name on the building is "Physics & Astronomy". There are engraved portraits of famous physicists around the entrances of the building.

Psychological Clinic

The MSU Psychological Clinic (Psychology Rd.) is on the north side of the Psychology Building. There are parking spots for clinic guests on Psychology Road.

The Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Building (766 Service Rd.) is the home of our Behavioral Neuroscience program.