Dr. Rebekka Weidmann receives Emerging Scholar Award from the Association for Research in Personality

August 11, 2023 - Shelly DeJong

Headshot of Rebekka Weidmann Congratulations to Dr. Rebekka Weidmann, a research associate in the MSU Department of Psychology at Michigan State University, for receiving the Emerging Scholar Award from the Association for Research in Personality. This award is presented biennially to recognize exceptionally high-quality work from emerging personality psychologists.  

"I feel honored that my research was acknowledged with this award,” said Dr. Weidmann. “This recognition means a lot to me and I’m very grateful for the support of my advisors, mentors, and colleagues.” 

Dr. Weidmann’s work explores how personality relates to well-being in individuals, couples, and families. She looks at the longitudinal interplay between personality characteristics, subjective well-being, and health and explores how these characteristics shape each other and how partners develop and shape each other’s development.  

Recently, Dr. Weidmann published an article in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology that looked at age and gender differences in narcissism in over 250,000 participants. She is currently working on a project that includes data from 36 nations with over 64,000 couples to see how depressive symptoms predict self-rated health and objectively-tested cognitive health across cultures. 

In addition, Dr. Weidmann collaborates with René Mõttus, the Editor of the European Journal of Personality, and Lisanne de Moor, the communications editor of the Journal on the Personality Psychology Podcast where they interview personality researchers every month about a diverse set of topics.   

The Association for Research in Personality awarded five candidates for the Emerging Scholar Award. In addition to Dr. Weidmann, this year’s recipients included Niclas Kuper from Bielefeld University, Kailey Lawson from Rhodes College, Gabrielle Pfund from Northwestern University, and Whitney Ringwald from the University of Pittsburg. 

Learn more about Dr. Weidmann here