Chu-Hsiang (Daisy) Chang

Chu-Hsiang (Daisy)  Chang
  • Professor
  • Organizational Psychology


In my research, I strive to improve employee health, well-being, and safety by enhancing our understanding of the socio-cognitive and motivational processes that influence behaviors in organizational settings. I am particularly interested in identifying psychological processes that not only account for behavioral criteria that have been the traditional focus of industrial and organizational psychology (e.g., job performance), but also criteria related to occupational health and safety (e.g., accidents and injury, psychosocial well-being).


I have two primary lines of research that address these goals: (a) occupational health and safety and (b) self-regulatory activities. Within the realm of occupational health and safety, my research interests focus on three interrelated areas: occupational stress, workplace aggression and violence, and occupational safety. My interests in self-regulation lie in two primary areas: (a) the interplay between the size of goal-performance differences (discrepancy information) and the rate at which these differences are changing (progress rate or velocity information), and (b) individuals’ approach (or promotion) versus avoidance (or prevention) motivational orientation.


I have worked on multiple funded research projects that involve interdisciplinary research teams, and collaborated with researchers from engineering, ergonomics, geography, industrial hygiene, media and information studies, medicine, nursing, and physical therapy. I have mentored students from a variety of background, including industrial hygiene, nursing, occupational health medicine, occupational safety, psychology, and public health. My work has been published in Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Psychological Bulletin, and Work & Stress. I have served as an associated editor at Applied Psychology: An International Review, Journal of Organizational Behavior, and Journal of Applied Psychology.


Magneto Project

Curriculum Vitae