Our goal is to educate and train the next generation to become culturally responsive clinical scientists deeply involved in the generation and dissemination of knowledge that will further the understanding of mental health and inform prevention and treatment.
Continuously accredited by the American Psychological Association since 1948, we are deeply rooted in the field of Clinical Science education and research. Our graduates have gone on to be leaders and innovators in the field of psychological clinical science. We are very proud of the varied paths they have chosen and the many ways in which they have contributed to clinical psychological science.
Our Clinical Science program has been continuously accredited by the American Psychological Association since March 2, 1948. In February 2014, we were accepted into the Academy of Psychological Clinical Science, denoting our program officially as a clinical science program. In January 2020 we became accredited by the Psychological Clinical Science Accreditation System.
Questions related to the program’s accredited status by APA should be directed to:
Questions related to the program’s accredited status by PCSAS should be directed to: