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Kenya Mulwa

Kenya  Mulwa
  • Graduate Student
  • Social / Personality


MS, Psychology, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, 2023

BA, Psychology, Oklahoma State University, 2021



My research interests are centered around how social contexts influence people’s attitudes, beliefs, and perceptions of other people. Generally, this includes topics such as impression formation, person perception, stereotyping, social categorization, and decision-making.

Some of my current projects include:

Stereotype Judgements - Why do our judgements of others change depending on which social group(s) they belong to? This work investigates the cognitive mechanisms behind when, how, and why people use stereotypes.

Social Categorization –Everyone is a member of a social group, such as racial, age, gender, occupational, or political groups - but all people are members of multiple social groups (e.g., young professors, Republican women). The goal of this research is to empirically test different theories in social psychology about how our immediate social environments affect how we store and remember social group information about people who belong to a virtually endless number of social groups.