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Undergraduate Research

Undergrad students perform research in Dr. Ravizza's lab

Why become involved in research?

  1. Research experience is extremely important for graduate school applications
  2. Research enhances your understanding of concepts in psychology courses
  3. Being in a lab helps you get to know other people who have similar interests
  4. Research is challenging but rewarding!

Students are encouraged to become involved in research in the psychology department. These experiences give students great opportunities to work with faculty and graduate students in the research environment. There are many opportunities to join labs in each of our six areas of interest as either a volunteer or for credit (via PSY 490 or PSY 491).

There are many opportunities to join labs in each of our six areas of interest: Behavioral Neuroscience, Clinical Science, Cognition & Cognitive Neuroscience, Ecological / Community Psychology, Social / Personality Psychology, and Organizational Psychology. To find out more about the labs in our department please click the photos below.