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Current Faculty 

Emeritus (Retired) Faculty 

Affiliated Faculty 

Graduate students in the Organizational Psychology program at MSU regularly engage in interdisciplinary, collaborative research with faculty across the university.  While these collaborations are many and varied, we highlight here a few of the faculty who have close ties and connections to our students.

Faculty Professional Engagement

  • Leaders of Professional Organizations
    • Quinetta Roberson recently served as President of the Academy of Management, and previously as Chair of the Academy’s Gender and Diversity in Organizations division.
    • Kevin Ford is a past president of Michigan Association of I/O Psychologists
    • Ann Marie Ryan is a past president of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology

    Faculty also have led and served on numerous high profile professional committees (e.g., Conference program committees, task forces on current scientific issues (AI- based assessments, Personality Assessments, Open Science)

  • Editors of Leading Journals and Book Series
    • Nathan Carter has served as associate editor for Journal of Research in Personality and for Personnel Assessment and Decisions,
    • Daisy Chang has served as associate editor for Journal of Applied Psychology and the Journal of Organizational Behavior,
    • Kevin Ford served as the Co-editor of International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology,
    • Chris Nye serves as an editor for International Journal of Testing, and associate editor for European Journal of Psychological Assessment,
    • Quinetta Roberson is currently a deputy editor of the Academy of Management Journal,
    • Ann Marie Ryan is a former editor of Personnel Psychology and former associate editor of American Psychologist.

    Faculty also regularly serve on the editorial boards of key journals: Journal of Business and Psychology, Journal of Applied Psychology, Human Performance, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Management, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Personnel Psychology, Training Research Journal, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Occupational Health Science, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Research in Occupational stress and Well Being, and Work, Aging and Retirement, Organizational Research Methods, Personnel Assessment and Decisions, Developmental Psychology, International Journal of Testing, Organizational Psychology Review, Journal of Personnel Psychology, International Journal of Selection and Assessment.

  • Books by Faculty

    Books by Faculty 

    Our Organizational Psychology Faculty have written popular textbooks and edited leading volumes in our field. Here are some examples.


    Learning in Organizations An Evidence-Based Approach by J. Kevin Ford

    Learning in Organizations: An Evidence-Based Approach examines the variety of systematic approaches and strategies for learning and development used in the workplace through the implementation of formal training, guided instruction, developmental job experiences, and self-directed learning.  The hallmark of Learning in Organizations is an emphasis on research evidence of what is and is not known about learning and learning strategies and the translation of that evidence to guide best practices in workplace learning and development.



    Vocational Interests in the Workplace:  Rethinking Behavior at Work.  Edited by Christopher D. Nye and James Rounds

    Vocational Interests in the Workplace integrates past literature with contemporary theories so as to detail emerging issues to drive research on vocational interests and relationships with work behavior. The chapters in areas such as motivation and performance, diversity, and expertise propose new models and approaches that have direct implications for driving best practices.




    Occupational Health Psychology: Work, Stress, and Health by Irvin Schonfeld and Daisy Chang

    This comprehensive book draws from interdisciplinary research in various domains such as psychology, public health, preventive medicine, and epidemiology to derive frameworks that address ways to protect and promote health and well being.  These frameworks have direct implications for reducing job stress and improving the quality of work life.




    Perspectives on Gender and Work.  Edited by Eden King, Quinetta Roberson and Mikki Hebl

    This volume describes and integrates research scholarship that advances our understanding of diversity and inclusion in organizations. Specifically, it features personal narratives of recognized experts in the field who have advanced understanding of gender at work in order to enhance understanding of the challenges and rewards of efforts at enhancing diversity.




    Pushing our Understanding of Diversity in Organizations.  Edited by Eden King, Quinetta Roberson and Mikki Hebl

    Polarized attitudes around issues such as gender equality and immigration have not only dominated the media but have substantial impacts on workplaces. This volume pushes the field by raising the questions that need to be asked and by identifying areas that have received too little research attention. Chapters provide steps that need to be taken to boost social justice and egalitarian behaviors in the workplace.




    The Nature of Work edited by J. Kevin Ford, J. Hollenbeck, and Ann Marie Ryan

    This volume examines various perspectives regarding the meaning attached to work and its implications for understanding work behavior. The chapters introduce new concepts as well as framing issues in a way that encourages the reader to rethink how we study and think about people at work. In this way, new approaches for studying and measuring work behavior and their implications for improving work practices are highlighted.



    The Oxford Handbook of Diversity and Work.  Edited by Quinetta M. Roberson

    The changing business environment requires a deeper understanding of diversity means and how diversity and inclusion issues are linked to organizational effectiveness. This volume brings experts across multiple disciplines to examine the concept of diversity, its effects, and the processes that underlie these effects. The chapters identify gaps in our current understandings and provides insights that drive directions for future research.



    Designing and Implementing Global Selection Systems

    This book identifies the challenges and common pitfalls in designing and implementing globally standardized selection systems.  Based on this analysis, choices regarding planning and implementing effective global staffing systems are provided leading to best practice strategies.

  • Serving on Scientific and Business Advisory Boards
    • Kevin Hoff has served on the board of Upskill Houston,
    • Quinetta Roberson is currently on Better Up, Inc , Cinnaire Inc, and the YMCA of Greater Philadelphia’s boards,
    • Ann Marie Ryan has served on the SHRM Foundation Board of Directors, ACT Technical Advisory Board and Aon’s technical advisory board
  • Service with Governmental Funding Agencies, Advisory Boards, and Consultation Roles
    • Both Daisy Chang and Quinetta Roberson have served as Program directors with the National Science Foundation,
    • Kevin Ford has worked for many years with State of Michigan Department of Natural Resources,
    • Kevin Hoff has served as a research consultant for the World Bank and the US Department of Labor,
    • Chris Nye and Ann Marie Ryan have served as research fellows for the US Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences,
    • Ann Marie Ryan has served on several National academy of Science committees as well as service of the Dept of Defense Advisory Committee on Military Testing and on the Department of State Board of Examiners for the Foreign Service.


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